Institutions and Communities

Institutions and Communities

Institutions and Communities

For Institutions and Communities

An Institution or a community may need to monitor the vaccination status of its staff or users:

  • Expatriate workers, flight personnel
  • Professionals in contact with vulnerable populations
  • Children in daycare

The digital vaccination record helps to raise awareness among the relevant individuals and feeds into dashboards, either nominative or consolidated depending on the context, ensuring that regulatory obligations or occupational health goals are met.

The University Health Service of Lyon I uses the CVN to collect and validate the vaccination of health students going on internships.

Institutions and Communities

Institutions and Communities

Institutions and Communities

For Institutions and Communities

An Institution or a community may need to monitor the vaccination status of its staff or users:

  • Expatriate workers, flight personnel
  • Professionals in contact with vulnerable populations
  • Children in daycare

The digital vaccination record helps to raise awareness among the relevant individuals and feeds into dashboards, either nominative or consolidated depending on the context, ensuring that regulatory obligations or occupational health goals are met.

The University Health Service of Lyon I uses the CVN to collect and validate the vaccination of health students going on internships.